Friday 14 September 2018

Friday Post: Photoshop

1. 6 Photoshop Commands

  1. Ctrl + Shift + i = Invert selection: allows you to outline something and edit what's around it
  2. W = quick select tool= lets you outline something quickly and then delete it/ what's around it if you use the "invert selection" command
  3. Ctrl + j = duplicate layer: duplicates the selected layer/ anything selected on a layer
  4. Ctrl + i = Invert colours: inverts the colours
  5. Ctrl + t = Transform Image: allows you to resize, rotate, and flip the image
  6. Ctrl + b = Adjust colour: allows you to adjust the colour of the selected layer

2. The Octopus

I used the quick select tool (w) and magnifying glass (z) to isolate the octoboy and then I used the  invert selection command (Ctrl+ Shift + i) to delete the surrounding background. I used the blur tool (no command unless given one) to smooth out the edges of the image.

3. Photoshop Video: How to Create Realistic Cracked Skin

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