Friday, 28 September 2018

Friday Post: Thunkable


Web Viewer App

What Is Thunkable?

Thunkable is a website designed for making apps that you can either keep for yourself or publish on the app store or the google play store

What Have I Used It For?

I've used Thunkabkle to make a few apps which can all be seen in the posts below this one

My Opinion

I think Thunkable is a simple way to create apps and share them with your friends. The best way to learn how to do this is with their tutorials on YouTube. The only problem is they have a ton of useless tutorials on their channel for earlier version of the software with a man who makes the entire experience painful while trying to be funny with his voice. You are able to get to the earlier software setup on their website, but you can live test it with your phone given that they've updated their app so that only modern phones are able to download it and have entirely removed the ability to live test with their old website setup. If they cleaned up their YouTube channel and just left the useful tutorials, or even updated some of the old ones to fit with the new software, it would be a good way to make apps.

Friday, 14 September 2018

Friday Post: Photoshop

1. 6 Photoshop Commands

  1. Ctrl + Shift + i = Invert selection: allows you to outline something and edit what's around it
  2. W = quick select tool= lets you outline something quickly and then delete it/ what's around it if you use the "invert selection" command
  3. Ctrl + j = duplicate layer: duplicates the selected layer/ anything selected on a layer
  4. Ctrl + i = Invert colours: inverts the colours
  5. Ctrl + t = Transform Image: allows you to resize, rotate, and flip the image
  6. Ctrl + b = Adjust colour: allows you to adjust the colour of the selected layer

2. The Octopus

I used the quick select tool (w) and magnifying glass (z) to isolate the octoboy and then I used the  invert selection command (Ctrl+ Shift + i) to delete the surrounding background. I used the blur tool (no command unless given one) to smooth out the edges of the image.

3. Photoshop Video: How to Create Realistic Cracked Skin

Monday, 10 September 2018


What is an Infograph?

An infograph is a visual representation of information for quick and easy comprehension

4 Infograph examples

My Infographs




Friday, 7 September 2018

What to Learn in IT

What Do I Already Know?

  • Photoshop: Basic picture editing, Foggy memories of 3D model things
  • Basic html copy paste code uses
  • some commands

What Do I Want to Learn?

  • Better Photoshop editing skills
  • 3D modeling 
  • animation

How Will Computers Fit Into My Future?

  • I already use some form of computing device every day
  • Most jobs are switching to online systems and programs
  • I can use the information I learn here in my free time as a hobby or past-time

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Predicted Grade

Predicted Grade